How do I inquire about a company and its products?

In this article, you will learn how to connect with companies and send your inquiries about their products and services.

To find relevant companies on the app, refer to these steps below:

  1. Access your account and go to Meet tab then click Search
  2. Choose section Companies below the search bar

  1. You will find a list of companies where you can explore. Alternatively, you can also directly search for a company name in the search bar

  2. Click on a specific company banner to open the company profile. You can find several menus in the company page including Company Chat feature

By using the company chat feature, you can interact with a specific company by asking questions via chat. Click on one of the three chat opener options to start connecting. Later on, you will be directed to a chat room where you can discuss further with the company. In the chat room, you can also send and upload files as well as sending your virtual name card.

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