Send Meeting Requests

How do I send a meeting request?

To send a meeting request to someone, 

  1. Go to the Meet menu at the top and click on Search 
  2. Click on Meet button
  3. Choose any format of the meeting if any
  4. Enter an optional message to the other party 
  5. Click "Send meeting request" to confirm your arrangement
  6. You could specify any interests or products to improve the focus of your meetings, if any

Note: If your colleague(s) has scheduled a meeting with the same person, you will be notified before sending the meeting request

Note: All meeting requests require a mutual confirmation from the other party and they will be reminded on a timely basis (depending on their email frequency), about your requests to them. This means that you should send out your requests early so your engagement manager will have a longer period of time to follow up on your requests with them.

How do I know that my meeting request was sent?

All your sent meeting requests will be reflected under the  'Sent' Tab. 

All meeting requests require a mutual confirmation from the other party and they will be reminded on a timely basis (depending on their email frequency), about your requests to them. This means that you should send out your requests early so your engagement manager will have a longer period of time to follow up on your requests with them.

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